Changing your IP address on Instagram
Already know this stuff? Don’t want to read the post? If you’ve just arrived here and just want to know a great provider of specialist Instagram proxies, then here’s my recommendation. This company has long been famous for providing proxies for eBay and sneaker sites. They now do a service specifically for changing your Instagram IP address – Instagram Proxies – IPBurger.
How to Hide Your IP Address on Instagram
For the vast majority of people, such questions are pretty much irrelevant. Even if you know what it means – why would anyone need to learn how to change your Instagram IP address? Yet increasingly it’s a crucial factor for many who use social media to promote products, run online businesses or simply wish to extend their online influence. At the core of what you can and can’t do on Instagram is your IP address.
Your IP Address Defines you Online
Each time a device of any kind connects to the internet it is assigned an IP address. It could be a phone, a laptop or even a Smart TV it doesn’t matter without an IP address there will be no internet connectivity possible. The address is the single unique identifier for every single internet device on the internet and as such is crucial aspect of being online.
Your IP address may looks like a randomly generated number yet it actually contains a lot of information about you and the device you’re using. It can be used to determine your exact location for example. The other important factor to remember is that it is impossible to completely hide this IP address as it’s used as part of the internet connection.
There is nothing else that defines you online like this simple numerical address and it’s used as a basis for a multi billion pound industry that tracks, monitors and logs people’s activity online.
Instagram is no different, indeed as a platform it carefully monitors the addresses of it’s users for a variety of commercial reasons.
Why Would Instagram Ban an IP Address?
When Instagram bans an IP address, any connection from that address will be refused. The ban is complete and would effect any device which attempted to access the site through that address.
If you have a valid internet connection and try to use a banned IP address then you won’t be able to use your Instagram account in any way. IT’s worth double checking it is your IP address though – can other access the site? Try clearing your cookies to see if it’s a problem or accessing via another account – Instagram can ban accounts too!
There are actually quite a few reasons that an IP address will get banned from the Instagram platform. If an IP address is used to send spam it could get onto a global blacklist which Instagram would implement. If the same IP address is used to manage and control multiple Instagram accounts in breach of their terms of service then this could lead to a ban also.
Here’s a quick summary of some possible activities which could lead to an Instagram IP address ban –
- IP address used for sending spam (and appears on a blacklist)
- Instagram detects IP address used to control multiple accounts.
- IP address used for promotional techniques e.g bots
An IP address ban won’t always occur straight away but could well be proceeded by blocks or restrictions if behavior triggers it’s automatic Spam detection algorithm. An ordinary user would rarely be affected by these sorts of bans but there are many of us who use Instagram as a powerful marketing or research tool who have lots of accounts. Indeed many agencies and marketers use powerful automation tools to manage and promote hundreds of Instagram accounts from the same location.
So How to Change Your Instagram IP Address
As mentioned previously it is almost impossible to hide your IP address from any computer when you connect to it. Which is why it’s not a simple method to change your Instagram IP address as it’s linked to the device you use to connect to the internet. Yet if you do want to promote or manage a few accounts at the same time then it’s vital you don’t use the same IP address.
Managing Multiple Instagram Accounts from the Same IP address will Get your Accounts deleted!
So for example a promotional firm who manages a number of accounts for clients will get into serious trouble if they switch from one Instagram account to another. Instagram is designed and setup for individuals to manage their own accounts, if you tread off this limited scenario then you need to be very careful.
You can’t change your actual IP address but you can change the IP address that Instagram sees when you connect. This can be achieved by using an intermediary server like a proxy to hide your actual address. The concept is simple instead of connecting directly to Instagram then you first connect to a proxy server which forwards your request for you. Instagram then only sees the IP address of the proxy and not your own.
Of course, this won’t help much if the proxy address actually gets blocked too which is why it’s important that you don’t use the same proxy address all the time. Connecting to different proxies though could be a bit of an effort, so there’s some sophisticated proxies which can manage this automatically.
Some proxy companies have set up configurations which allow a single proxy server to automatically (or on demand) these have a variety of names but are generally referred to as rotating or backconnect proxies. You make a single connection to a rotating proxy which will then switch IP address as per your specifications automatically. Using such a setup, anyone can control or promote multiple Instagram accounts from a single location or device.
Need multiple accounts – try these guys, some amazing rotating proxies at very decent prices.
Don’t Choose the Wrong IP address
You’ll notice from the above graphic that they advertise their proxies as being ‘residential proxies’ which is actually a crucial factor. The reason is that as well as location information, IP addresses carry another vital piece of information – whether they’re commercial or from ordinary home users (known as residential). Instagram is designed of course for ordinary people to share and post photos and stories, so they expect these connections to come from ‘residential IP addresses’.
Commercial IP addresses are registered by datacentres and companies, which would not be allocated to normal home internet connections. They are also a dead giveaway for ordinary proxy servers which is a drawback when you’re trying to stay under the radar. Instagram won’t block these IP addresses automatically but they’re instantly flagged as suspicious. Commercial IP address ranges are considered ‘untrustworthy’ by many social media platforms and are much more likely to get blocked than the residential ones assigned to home users.
There is big money to be made by Instagram marketers using the right proxies
It sounds a lot of trouble to go to – automated software, rotating residential proxies but there’s a reason why this is worth it. There’s an awful lot of money than can be made by pretty much anyone who can figure out how to promote and manage multiple Instagram accounts. With a company like Smart Proxies you can even change IP address to another country to target multiple markets across the world.
Imagine sitting down and getting paid thousands of dollars for simply posting up photos and clips onto a social media platform like Instagram. Yet that’s exactly what thousands of people do every day, some of them becoming very rich in the process. Loads of them don’t work in the traditional sense, freeing up their lives for more leisure and travel.
Proxies allow you to operate completely independently online from your single restrictive IP address. Instead of one user you can be one hundred users all with earning potential pointing back to your bank account. Popular Instagram accounts are always in demand for promoting products and so ‘shout outs’ can be sold relatively easily and often for an awful lot of money. Alternatively products can be promoted directly, earning commission through an affiliate scheme which rewards sales. The possibilities are endless even with a single platform like Instagram, I can hide my IP and run multiple accounts from the same computer as long as I have proxies rotating my address and you can too!